If you are site builder and you are receiving low traffic.
This is the site where the solution is. You can receive
bunch of real traffic from kreviewed. You also could become
a partner in kreviewed by signing up below and you could earn
money from your article that you post on kreviewed.com
Ways to earn in Kreviewed.com
Refer Visitor to this site
You could just simply earn by referring people to our site. We pay you for every real traffic you refer. REMEMBER real traffic not from autosurf, hit4u or similar to it.
1 unique visitor= 0.0001USD
1000unique visitor=0.01USD
10000unique visitor=1USD
Write article and earn
You could write or copy a article from your site( links
to your site is allowed).We will Pay you 0.0001USD for each
view to your article.
1 view=0.0001USD
1000 view=0.1USD
10000 view=1USD
Put your Ads to your articles
You may put your ads from your adnetwork between your
article to earn even more but remember if you choose to
put your ads at your article that your earning for each view
for your article is:
1 view=0.00001USD
1000 view=0.001USD
10000 view=0.1USD
Payment method
We pay only through paypal.
When your earning reaches the minimum payout 5USD,
you could request for a payout and you receive your payment
2nd week of the month.
IF you are interested just sign up below and we will explain further details on how you could proceed.
Sign up here
Sign up here