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7 tips to easy weight loss

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 23 July 2012 | 08:28

  1. They do not pay attention the consequences of their actions. You need to consider the consequences of your action whether diet or exercise. Make sure you really can do it and there’s no side effect to your body.
  2. Not control insulin and blood sugar levels. You must know what ingredient you eat on diet program. It must elevate your insulin and blood sugar levels. Avoid white-flour based bakery products, sugar drinks and most of carbohydrate snack.
  3. Training like 80s. It doesn’t the same. Latest training is related to our body and what our eating in this era. It is not same like 80s exercise.
  4. Not plan next day’s food intake. You need to plan your food intake day before. Without planning, you don’t will take the meal that really not suit with your diet. You will eat something that wasted your dietary day.
  5. Not eat enough vegetables. Vegetables are the best way to assist fat loss. If you avoid it, the progress of fat loss is slow and maybe you can’t success.
  6. No monitor of the training and diet session. You must write about your progress every day. Without monitoring, your work will be waste. If possible, hire a personal trainer that can monitor your progress.
  7. Poor lifestyle. Staying up late on the weekend will affect your fat lose program. Always make sure you get a better sleep and rest.
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