Vijay was busily shooting in Mumbai for his film Thuppakki directed by A R Murugadoss. When he came to know that he was shooting near the residence of Prabhu Deva, he went to his house.
When Asin had heard the news that Vijay had gone to Prabhu Deva’s house, she also went there. Three of them took their lunch there and was conversing for a long time.
Earlier Asin paired with Vijay in the film Pokkiri directed by Prabhu Deva. That film was a blockbuster. It is understood that three of them spoke about joining hands in a film soon.
Prabhu Deva is one of the leading directors in Bollywood. Asin is also a busy actress in Bollywood now. It is expected that Prabhu Deva will direct a film for Tamil audience which will have Asin and Vijay in the lead role