Kreviewed has got the first payment from Eventhough its not much only USD 8.93 but it is still considered a reasonable payment after only 2 months using in kreviewed. is definitely a alternative source of revenue to site owner and blogger other than ads revenue such as infolinks, adsence, and clicksor to name few. This is because most of the ads network has the minimum payout of USD 50 or USD 100. This amount is easy to achieve for site owners and bloggers who have a high traffic and page impression on their sites but not for them who have reasonable traffic and page impression. But has a payout of only USD5 and they also pay on time. You also should try because u won't regret using it. Click here to apply for your site now.
Kreviewed First payment proof
Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 11 May 2012 | 21:44
Kreviewed has got the first payment from Eventhough its not much only USD 8.93 but it is still considered a reasonable payment after only 2 months using in kreviewed. is definitely a alternative source of revenue to site owner and blogger other than ads revenue such as infolinks, adsence, and clicksor to name few. This is because most of the ads network has the minimum payout of USD 50 or USD 100. This amount is easy to achieve for site owners and bloggers who have a high traffic and page impression on their sites but not for them who have reasonable traffic and page impression. But has a payout of only USD5 and they also pay on time. You also should try because u won't regret using it. Click here to apply for your site now.
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