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Producer of Moonu heavy loss in Teelugu

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 12 April 2012 | 08:50

The film 3 which had Dhanush and Shruthi Haasan in the lead roles has been released and is running. This film was also dubbed in Telugu and was released in Andhra. The Telugu dubbed version rights have been acquired by producer and distributor Natti Kumar.
 He has complained that he has incurred a heavy loss because of 3. He while speaking to the media said, " I acquired the rights of 3 in Telugu which had Dhanush and Shruthi in the lead roles at a cost of Rs 4.3 Crores. Dhanush’s market in Andhra is just Rs 10 Lakhs.
Many of the people advised me not to buy this film at that price. I acquired the rights at this price because I had the confidence in Rajni’s family. I thought that this film will have good recognition since it was directed by Aishwarya.
Dhanush and Aishwarya assured me that they will come to Hyderabad on 1st April to promote this film but they did not come. They also promised to come for the premiere show but they did not turn up. Both of them have cheated me. The film did not do well at the box office in Andhra as expected. I have incurred a heavy loss because of this."
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