A Good Year is predicted for you with the pace of improvements picking up in the second half of the year. A year of profit and good health is predicted for you except for some minor skin aliments.
Last Year trends continue this year too. You have to take care of your health at all times. Daily meditation or even five minutes will bring tremendous improvements and help you in beating stress.

A year of mental tension and increased problems (Read increased responsibilities for those individuals whose planets are powerfully posited in the natal chart) is predicted for you.
An average year with the first half better than the second. This year indicates major changes in the work sphere and you may change your business or profession.

A good Year is predicted for you. This year will be characterized by increased responsibilities and spending money on acquisition of assets and luxury goods.
A good year with the real results manifesting from July onwards. The second half of the year can actually change your life in every positive manner if you put your mind and resources to it.
A much better year than the last year gone by is predicted for you in all respects. You will get mental peace and solutions to your problems.
An average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. With new responsibilities will also come mental stress and tension.
The first half of the year will be much better. You must exert yourself in the first six months to forge ahead in career and profession.
A good year is predicted for you with the developments in career and business picking up in the second half of the year. In the first half of the year you will face domestic tension so be a little diplomatic and avoid confrontations.
An above average Year is predicted for you with the last year’s problems getting solved. Your concentration and work efficiency levels show a marked improvement April onwards.
A good Year is predicted for you. Many of the problems that you have been facing from the last year get solved. The second half of the year sees you forging ahead with confidence and zeal.
Tags: tamil rasi palan 2012, horoscope 2012, stars, luck, future, tamil rasi, indian horoscope