Anushka is for the first time pairing with Karthi in a film. Suraj who had earlier directed films like Thalai Nagaram and Padikadhavan is directing this film. The shooting of this film commenced on 11-11-11.
Gnanavel Raja who had earlier produced films like Paruthiveeran, Singam and Siruthai under the banner Studio Green is producing this film. Santhanam is also donning an important role in this film. Karthi – Santhanam combo were in the films Siruthai and Saguni. Now this combo is continuing in this film also.
Devi Sriprasad is composing the music for this film. Saravanan is handling the camera. The film was not titled so far. Suraj was considering various titles that would suit this film. Now the film is titled Alex Pandian. Rajnikanth donned the role of a policeman called Alex Pandian in the film titled Moondru Mugam. This film turned out to be a block buster.