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Increasing Pageviews for site easily

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 12 February 2012 | 22:29

Getting good amount of pageviews per visitor is quite a tough task. If you want to increase your pageviews you either need to increase visitors or increase the amount of pages each visitor visits. You can do both of these if you want quite high pageviews but I prefer you  not to focus on one only of these as if you will work harder on one aspect and leave the other fallow then I don’t think you will do the progress. So try to equalize both of the ways to increase pageviews. The tips which I am going to give you for increasing the pageviews are really great ,I guess and yes ,most importantly let me tell you that I have tried all of these tips , which I am going to share. So here they go .

Inbound Linking

Name is quite interesting ,isn’t it? Yes ,it does. What do you think about the word inbound linking? Inbound linking is nothing but linking your old posts with the new ones. You can do so by many ways. Another name for inbound links is ‘BackLinks’.Inbound linking is the best thing you can do to increase your pageviews. Try not to provide spam links or not related links as this thing makes your readers distressed and hence you lose a good amount of traffic.



Searching plays an important role in increasing your pageviews.If you are posting good content on your blog and if your blog’s readers like it then there are hundred percent chances that they will use your blog’s search features to search for some more interesting content. There are a few search feature providers in the market but I prefer you to go with ‘Google’.

Related Posts


This is the best feature to increase pageviews.All you need to do is to either manually provide related post links or use some widgets or you can say gadgets to do so. But manually providing related post links is more accurate and hence can fetch you more pageviews but on the other hand it’s a time consuming process.

Use Navigation Bar


Using navbar can also help you a lot.Navbar is nothing but that navigation bar which helps your readers to easily navigate through your blog and find more accurate content. If your blog is having good content and having a good navigation system then I guarantee you that many of your visitors will use that navbar to find more interesting content.



Actually SEO will fetch you more visitors and if your blog’s visitors count will be high then your pageviews count will also be high. So I prefer you to work a bit more harder on SEO to increase the amount of pageviews you are getting per day.

Minimum Pageviews a good site should get per day – 300+
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