# 1 #Now Open 2012 Mathematics module:.
-Have you make a reservation? Discount Special to the awal.Modul book is designed for use for a year ..
-The module is suitable for students who face problems such as this:
1-Students who work hard but still fail
2-A student who has lost interest in mathematics
3-Students who still fail even if sent to the tuition
4-A student who always careless with questions that are considered easy
5-Students who do not know good question format
6-Students who are less berkyakinan although always scored high marks
7-Students who do not know the name of the title question, cause I know the right formulaand operational use.
8-Students who do not know the questions which need to be put first and to be training.
9-Students who do not know how to make special preparations with the type ofexamination that will be faced
MC Further Information Contact: 012-6500995
# 2 # Following Class Registration To Catch Open Maths Training at the center!
-Have you registered for your children attend special classes at the Training CentreMathematics Mathematics Maths Catch in Section 20 Shah Alam?.
-Maximum perkelas 13 people.
-Number of students expected to register the full sekarang.Mingguni will penuh.Janganmiss ya ....
The close-up shah could follow the normal classes Monday-Fri day (2.5 hours / week)
The Far-out s.Alam can follow the classes Saturday and Sunday (4 hours / week)
Classes will start as angels on Jan 14 (Saturday)
-Still another chance to bermula.Cuma kuata places not know .. Want to know there is a vacancy or non-contact:
Tuition & Workshop coordinator: Mr. Shukri 012-650926
-Have you make a reservation? Discount Special to the awal.Modul book is designed for use for a year ..
-The module is suitable for students who face problems such as this:
1-Students who work hard but still fail
2-A student who has lost interest in mathematics
3-Students who still fail even if sent to the tuition
4-A student who always careless with questions that are considered easy
5-Students who do not know good question format
6-Students who are less berkyakinan although always scored high marks
7-Students who do not know the name of the title question, cause I know the right formulaand operational use.
8-Students who do not know the questions which need to be put first and to be training.
9-Students who do not know how to make special preparations with the type ofexamination that will be faced
MC Further Information Contact: 012-6500995
# 2 # Following Class Registration To Catch Open Maths Training at the center!
-Have you registered for your children attend special classes at the Training CentreMathematics Mathematics Maths Catch in Section 20 Shah Alam?.
-Maximum perkelas 13 people.
-Number of students expected to register the full sekarang.Mingguni will penuh.Janganmiss ya ....
The close-up shah could follow the normal classes Monday-Fri day (2.5 hours / week)
The Far-out s.Alam can follow the classes Saturday and Sunday (4 hours / week)
Classes will start as angels on Jan 14 (Saturday)
-Still another chance to bermula.Cuma kuata places not know .. Want to know there is a vacancy or non-contact:
Tuition & Workshop coordinator: Mr. Shukri 012-650926