UTV Motion Pictures had released their film Mugamoodi as announced. Their next release is the film Thandavam. Vijay has directed this film which has Vikram in the lead role. Anushka and Amy Jackson are the heroines of this film.
Lakshmi Rai is also donning an important role. Major portions of this film have been shot in London. Santhanam’s comedy scenes and Vikram action sequences will be the highlight of this film. Vikram is donning the role of a blind man.
There is also information that Vikram is also donning another role in Thandavam. G V Prakash has composed the music. The films Viswaroobam, Maatran, Paradesi, Thuppaki, Saattai and Kumki are also waiting for release. It has already been announced that Maatran will be released on 12th October. There is no chance for any other big films to be released before that. Hence UTV Motion Pictures have decided to release Thandavam on 28th September.